Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Migrate VMWare box to VirtualBox

(from http://ctors.net/2014/07/17/vmware_to_virtualbox)
The instructions below will guide you through the converting process.


  • Boot the VM
  • Uninstall vmware tools
  • Shutdown
  • Edit VM settings -> remove the HD
  • Edit the_machine.vmdk
  • change ddb.adapterType from "buslogic" or "lsilogic" to "ide"
  • Edit VM settings -> add an HD, type IDE from existing file the_machine.vmdk
  • Boot the VM
  • Shutdown
Now you can convert the box from VMWare to Open Virtualization Format.
$ ovftool -o the_machine.vmx the_machine.ovf Opening VMX source: the_machine.vmx Opening OVF target: the_machine.ovf Writing OVF package: the_machine.ovf Transfer Completed Completed successfully


The last step is to import the OFV in VirtualBox and install guest additions.
  • File -> import appliance -> the_machine.ovf
  • VM settings -> storage -> add attachment -> CD drive
  • Boot the VM
  • install guest additions from CD

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