Thursday, September 26, 2013

Adding RHEL6 installation DVD as yum repository

In building a RHEL6 VM (VMware Workstation), I wanted to define the install DVD ISO as a yum repository.

  • Mount the ISO through workstation as a DVD
  • Verify your path to the disk.  Easiest way... try right-clicking on the DVD desktop icon and select "Open in Terminal".  Use pwd to see the path.
  • Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo
      name=RHEL6 DVD Server
      baseurl=file:///media/RHEL_6.0\ x86_64\ Disc\ 1/Server

  • Replace xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx with number in /path/to/DVD/.discinfo
      # cat /media/RHEL_6.0\ x86_64\ Disc\ 1/.discinfo
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0
  • rpm --import /path/to/DVD/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
      rpm --import /media/RHEL_6.0\ x86_64\ Disc\ 1/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

At this point, the yum repository should be visible and ready to use.  Try the following commands to confirm:
  • yum repolist
  • yum grouplist

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