Monday, February 16, 2015

rsync - pulling to Window / cygwin from FreeNAS

Using rsync to pull files from a freeNAS box to a local Windows box.

  rsync.exe -avSP --delete root@* .

Here is what each of these do:

-a, --archive               Archive mode

-v, --verbose               Increase verbosity

-S, --sparse                Handle sparse files efficiently

-P                          equivalent to --partial --progress
     --partial               Keep partially transferred files
     --progress              Show progress during transfer

--delete        Delete files that don't exist on the sending side

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cousins and uncles... removed and such

Confused by what twice removed means when someone says "he was my 3rd cousin twice removed"?  The picture does a better job than most explaining the relationships through a single graphic